Sunday, January 6, 2013

Happy New Year to me!  

It's  a new year and with comes a new me!  This year I want to dedicate my precious little free time to myself.  I want to play more tennis, run more miles and cook better food. Better yet, I want to understand food and my relationship to it.  Plus, I wouldn't mind dropping the 10 lbs I carry around like a lost child. I'm ready to break into a number I haven't seen in awhile. 

My background is in public information and public relations (two different fields), so I tend to not buy into the "marketing" side of food.  I'm a skeptic at best, but here's the kicker....I'm lazy. It would take googols mount time to research the food I eat and crave.  Oh, I just don't have it in me.  Until now (sort of).  I want to know what the hell I'm eating.  More importantly, what am I feeding my kids. 

I'm a work in progress, so please don't judge.  I will not research everything, but I will dive into the more egregious things I eat.  Hopefully to learn from it and make better choices next time. 

So let's jump right in. 

Tonight I made a pork loin roasted in soy sauce, honey, ginger and apple cider vinegar.  Steamed veggies (broccoli and cauliflower) with white rice.  

Not bad, eh? Ok, I should have used brown rice, but remember, I'm not "that" girl yet.  I'm still on first base.  

Ok, here's my question.  Where did that slab of pork come from?  Was if full of crap and chemicals that everyone talks about?   It was NOT "farm" raised, that's for sure.  It was purchased at the commissary on base, so it was cheap.  Cheap and tortured, I'm sure.  

Next step, reaserch the meat factory it came from.  This is one of those things that if find what I think I'm going to find, I may not eat pork again. Well, it's better to know than not, right? Turn on the light!  Or maybe I should just switch on a night light.  

Wish me luck!  Be back in a few days.